Those People

With today’s groupism, we hear repeatedly words that divide, that oppose and words that formulate groups: generally one group against another.

In this context, we speak or heard spoken about ‘our people.’ These are not your people, mind you, but their people.

In reference to slavery or the civil war we hear items such as: ‘we lost’ or ‘when we were slaves.’ Mind you now, no one else were ever slaves in history, no, and that the ones speaking were never slaves, but still they claim status of it.

To complicate matters with the individuals also claiming various status to one group or another. For example one Senator has been enjoying the label of Native American Indian when in fact, she has very little Native American blood in her at all. On similar lines, one lady as among others identify themselves as African-American when in actuality they are Caucasian. In sexuality we see identifier marks represented by various letters of the alphabet—now spanning the sum of at least 10 letters.

It is condescending to speak of other people as designated groups per se. In one case in the Bible during Jesus’s time we see an issue of separation in reference to the Samaritans and the Jews. Yet even in this separation we find that Jesus was impervious to the issue of discrimination. Jesus never let one group versus another separate either his person or his love.

One might argue that we are called into separation as Christians. And while I would agree we are called to separate only in reference to behavior, there would be no separation in distinction and identity of God’s people. In summation we are all God’s people. Thus we need to remove identity markers that cause people from interacting with one another or and to cause stereotypical judgment to each other. This is wrong as we are not called into division, but into unity. Finally we know God sees us unlike how men see us for God judges the heart. In the final analysis I would probably be correct in determining that all hearts are red. With that means is that we all belong only to one group. Ultimately that one group is to be a family consisting of God’s children.

2 thoughts on “Those People

  1. Wow, you covered about a dozen topics in this short post but I am only going to comment on two.

    You say “we are all God’s people” but you give no context. How are we all God’s people? Surely you do not mean we are all children of God, that cannot be supported biblically. So you’re saying we are all God’s creation Colossians 1:16?

    You justify that comment with the following, “Thus we need to remove identity markers that cause people from interacting with one another or and to cause stereotypical judgment to each other. This is wrong as we are not called into division, but into unity.” Two points here first we are called to Judge others Jesus says in John 7:24 “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” Second, it is not divisive as you put it when as believers we point out error even if that means labeling something. If fact I would go so far as to say it is a sinful act on our part (sin of omission) if we fail to point out or correct the error). The goal is unity among believers Ephesians 4:13, while with gentleness correcting the errors of others 2 Timothy 2:25.


    1. I will make this simple: we are not to look down on people as such: WE re the good guys and you are the bad guys. It’s as simple as that. And yes, we are ALL God’s children, good or and bad. Makes no difference. What we do with it now is a different story, but “God so loved the world…” I don’t need any more context than that. God loves the sinner, the bad guy, the rapist, the criminal, the divorced, the broken… And to possess identity markers as such to divide us is wrong. Jesus ran across that himself. The so-called ‘good’ guys of the temple verses the people. This is all such a no brainer. And yes, as you point out: we are to lead and to point and to clarify all that which is good and all that is wrong: but not in judgmental values as we have the wheat and the tares illustration to guide us. Consequently we should not over think something and at times theology will not lead but good common sense. Than you for your comments and response. You always have a well thought out plan of thought.


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