The absoluteness of being absolute

For those who believe in the total relative nature of all things, there is absoluteness to the creed.

When the concept of an authoritative deity is promoted, the relativist exclaims one simple does not exist. And this is where we get into the tricky parts with them.

If you don’t have a basis on which to root your values, how then to you structure a value system: What is it based on?  Good feeling:  pleasant thoughts?

The real deal breaker here is the face as another blogger friend pointed out:  they believe in no spiritual truths, but absolutely in political truths.

And this is where you and I war against the world for our supremacy involves the belief of spiritual truth; whereas we have almost no belief in political systems except the domination of Jesus.

Look at it from this point of view when they are speaking of freedoms:  freedoms such as abortion, divorce, Child-Support, voting or holding office…

You see the agenda here is not YOUR rights, it involves THEIR rights.

That’s how they take all of this a step further such as say in sexual expression.  They want their right for sexual expression, but no, you don’t get yours in terms of not having to endure theirs.

And this is where the absoluter’s of political freedom clash with ours.  If we don’t capitulate to theirs, we are:

Haters, phobics or prejudiced, bigoted and other names they love to assign to us.

All in all we see they believe they have an absolute right to dictate to others what is right and what is wrong, yet provide no moral base whatsoever for their point of view.  It just is!  It is there and we are forced to believe it.  And of course, we don’t buy into it, nor believe it and speak out on it and believe only in the authority as laid out by God and say it over and over again: For it is Christ and His church and the kingdom of God which is the basis of righteousness.  And do we believe it:  Absolutely.

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